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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 16 March 2023

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                         account name: MichaelBancroft
Tears don’t come from the brain ⸻
Tears don’t come from the brain ⸻
The Birth ⸻ The Death
The Birth ⸻ The Death
⸻ Tears come from the heart
⸻ Tears come from the heart
Starry Night
Starry Night
⸺ Dancing for the soul ⸺
⸺ Dancing for the soul ⸺

Comentarii album • 2
BenoitAntoine 19 March 2023  
Unconventional art for a priest.
ThulaniSibusisiwe 18 March 2023  
happy st patrick’s day
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